

I am a Craft Beer Drinker.


I am a Craft Beer Drinker.
I am a Craft Beer Drinker.
I am a Craft Beer Drinker.
I am a Craft Beer Drinker.
I love craft Beer.
I love craft Beer.
I love craft Beer.
I am pasionate about what I drink.
I am pasionate about what I drink.
I am pasionate about what I drink.
For the past a few decades, the average Beer drinkers has settled for beer marketed to them by ad-men who cares more about  profit than passion.
Many beer drinkers are not even realizing the choices they have. But not any more.
I don't allow my beer to be chosen by ad-men,
mega corporations,
or super goliaths
A little over a hundred years ago, there were three thousands breweries in the United states and then a long came prohibition.
But the American brewery spear persevered, five year after Terpiel,   there were several hundreds bureweries producing beer. Mass advertising of blend beer eventury decrease the number of locally owned breweries to 82 in the late seventies.
I support brewers who care  about what they sell .
I am not what they sell.
I chose beer with quality innorbation and style.
Call me a snob.
Call me a geek.
Call me  connoisseur*.
Then a revolution began.
A handful pioneer Brewery  decided to bring innovation, independent, quality, character and colaboration back to beer.
I advoacate celebrate and participate in the craft beer revolutions.
I demand my beer to be innovative and independent, colaborative,
Full of character.
Those craft brewers have captured hearts and  minds of beer drinkers around the world.
Thanks to threse breweries here in America we have beers with style, integrity and quality.
But most of all we have choice.
I expect my brewery to creat trends.
Not chase them.
I expect quality,
Full of character,
And for the boundaries to be pushed.
I won't accept the lowest common denominator beer*.

It's time to educate.Today in the America there are over 15 hundreds beer breweries
 and yet the average beer drinkers feel that they still must settle for the  lowest common denominator beer.
We must,
We must,
We must,
We must educate the average beer drinker.
Illuminate the possibilities.
Illuminate the possibilities.
We must help and suport our local breweries.
We must spread the massage.
We must spread the massage.
We must spread the massage.
We must spread the massage.
We must spread the massage.

Introduce, educate, illuminate the choises, spread the message and declare with conviction.


I am a craft beer drinker.
I am a craft beer drinker.
I am a craft beer drinker.
I am a craft beer drinker.
I am a craft beer drinker.
I am a craft beer drinker.
Let's raise a toast to beer brewed as a craft.
To brewers who care about their product.
And to all of us.
craft beer drinkers.

To who won't settle

Or conform


To you.
On three,



* connoisseur

He is connoisseur in modern art.

who has good knowledge about something.


* the lowest common denominator beer

mass of people who like the same beer.