


GOP Congressman: Military Members Keep Telling Me To Vote No On Syria


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Local Editor


After President Obama delivered a speech in the Rose Garden where he said the United States "should" strike Syria following a deadly chemical weapons attack, Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) took to Twitter to dispute that claim with comments from those who would likely carry out that order.

オバマ大統領がローズガーデンで「アメリカは殺戮化学兵器を使ったシリアを攻撃しなければならない」と会見で述べたあと、共和党議員Justin Amash (R-Mich.)は、その命令を実践するであろう人々からのコメントについて、ツイッター上で論じている。

"I've been hearing a lot from members of our Armed Forces," Amash tweeted. "The message I consistently hear: Please vote no on military action against Syria."


Now that Obama has deferred to congressional debate, a vote on striking Syria would likely come up on the week of Sep. 9. The President probably has the support of the Senate, but the vote could have some trouble in the House, as Josh Barro points out.

オバマ大統領は、シリア空爆について、9月9日から始まる議会による議論と投票の結果を待つことにした。Josh Barroによると、上院はおそらく大統領を支持するが、しかし投票は議会に多少の混乱をもたらす可能性があるという。


Since Amash's initial tweet, he's been retweeting comments that have been sent in from military members and veterans.


Many military sources have expressed reservations with action in Syria, especially following service in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, according to Amash.



Here are sample tweets of a number of US military members:



King: 13 year USAF vet here...thanks for actually appreciating our constitution! Vote no to actions in Syria!



George: Former Army Ranger. 2 tours in Iraq. 1 tour in Afghanistan. Please vote no on military action in Syria.



Denbo: former Marine vote no please and thank you.



Matt: Navy vet here. 9 years. I know you will vote no. Thank you!
